Hippie energies


Here’s my hippie moment of the month:

I was looking at the full moon from my window and it reminded me about my crystal and how I had been instructed to “charge it in the light of the full moon” by the person who made it for me. I’m not really into the magic of crystals, but I thought I might as well hang it out there if I’m already being a hippie wearing it.

At least to give it some good vibes and fresh air.

So I went outside – and just as I was hanging the crystal by the grid of my front door, a huge white owl flew by and sat on my fence, looking at me. So beautiful!

Hippie energies for the win. Good night.

Magnet delivery & Sticky9 discount code.



Got the first batch of some of my chosen Instagram photos delivered today by Sticky9 as magnets – so now I will have some of my favourite people and moments on my fridge. :)

It took about two weeks to get them all the way to Belize City (that’s quite impressive), and I’m super happy about the fact that they offer free worldwide delivery – great stuff!

Sticky9 makes magnets in various sizes, phone covers and other beautiful things from your Instagram photos – and I got a discount code for my friends to use, which gives you 15% off on your first order! The code is: FRIENDWVT3

You can also use this link: https://sticky9.com/?pid=113&referral_code=FRIENDWVT3&pack_id=2251121


A bunch of stuff











I’ve been lousy at this whole blogging thing lately.. and there’s definitely been stuff going on!

Remember Mario from Nicaragua? My brother from another mother, Mario? Well, he came to Belize for work two weeks ago so we hung out and went for dinner, unexpectedly stumbled over a basketball game, and did some dancing and some touristing – good stuff! Then Monday came and apart from working my face off I started going to Zumba and Danza Revelation classes at the gym next to my house.. and on Friday I went with friends for a shopping trip to Mexico and finally got a proper mop and some other things I’m ridiculously excited about. Argentinian Malbec for example.

Now it’s Wednesday again.. work is intense and mega-exciting, and later tonight I have the Danza class! So many good things right now.

Morning after danza!


Good morning world!

Energy levels still on top, and I’m in my favourite kind of pain!

So I have officially found something that I want to call a routine here in Belize City – if you only knew the immense value of that in an unpredictable reality like mine. So much love for the moves and the beats!

Thanks to Danzarevelation and the super charismatic instructor and booty-popping queen Cricel Castillo. See you next week. :)

My home in Belize City – Can you hear the Caribbean breeze?

So, according to tradition, I made a video-tour of my apartment – this time in Belize City.

As I showed you before, it was already furnished when I moved in. I did remove the ugly TV and move the furniture around a little, but I still need to get curtains and a living room table.. and some nice art for my walls!

Anyhow – I really like my new place, and the fact that it’s all mine, that I can host a lot of people without issues (the couch is also a bed!) and that I can dance around and make juices and just enjoy – and the breeze.. ah, the breeze! (I have hurricane windows installed for that breeze by the way, I might not be as happy about it in the coming weeks when the real winds and rains come. haha)

Oh, and I missed the balcony – it’s behind the door by the kitchen and a good spot for sunset-watching, clothes-drying and wine-drinking. I just need a hammock and some furniture there.

So – what do you think?

Here’s a nostalgia tour of my previous homes:

Copenhagen – The hobbit houseMaputo – And the never-ending staircaseManagua – The house with a gym

Why do I do this? Because I forget. Because I change surroundings so often that I don’t remember the details of them.. and because I wish I had a video of my apartment (and roomies!) in Warsaw, or the apartment we lived in in Malmö when I was little.. and because I guess I will be living in quite a few places in my life, so I might as well make a collection. I hope this is fun for you as well, it’s like you’re visiting me in my space. Welcome.

Which reminds me that I somewhere in Sweden have a photo album of the cars I have owned.. the white Suzuki definitely needs to go in there! (I’m a memory hoarder. haha)

Welcome to Belize, part 2




Took Luc to the airport and drove back on my own, facing the “Welcome to Belize” sign and palm trees again – I was welcomed back to my new home, where I now am by myself again.

Headed straight for a meeting in the South Side of Belize City where I got a tour and an intense briefing about the gang violence, murders, poverty, drugs and guns that many of the children deal with on a daily basis.

Much of the marijuana here is laced with crack or sprayed on chemicals and many kids drink an easily accessible mix of alcohol and valium.

“They often start drinking at the age of 8, about the same age that they get recruited into the gangs.”

Welcome to Belize beyond palm trees and paradise beaches – the world’s third most dangerous country.