Do it


Am I nerdy enough to do this?

I have a day off tomorrow again, that makes it two in a row.. wow.. wonderful exception. Too bad a day off equals ‘day I’m supposed to be studying’.. I’m not happy about this deal but at least I’m happy about the sun!!

..problem is I need insane amounts of nerdyness to stay inside.

Q linda la vida!

These little wonderful random moments of complete euphoria makes me a better version of myself. Haha

And while filming this I got a text saying ‘I’m with you’, I’m doing perfectly fine here on my own but sharing these moments just makes them so much better. :)

I guess the screaming neighbours will let me know who wins the game, I’m crossing my fingers for Spain so that my friends over there can enjoy a great fiesta tonight!

Back to books! *poof*

Packing stuff


Today the sun is hiding, bad for me – good for my studies ;)
The weather will be amazing in Malmö this weekend, but I will be away anyway.. summer in Malmö is wonderful but travelling is always more fun.

The million dollar question of today is:
Check stuff in or just take it easy and stick to handluggage?

Take care kids.