Paharganj, New Delhi

So, I’ve spent four days in this crazy city now. The internet connection is super-slow so I’m not able to upload any nice pictures and don’t even ask for videos. Here’s a picture I have taken with my phone.. it’s Paharganj street in the Main Bazaar in New Delhi, right where I have been staying these days.. an insane melting pot of rickshaws, stray dogs, people, screaming people, more people, street food, poor people, hippies and noise. A video would be so much better.

This evening I’m jumping onto a 12,5h train to Varanasi. I will be there at 7.30am tomorrow, if it’s on time.. I need a lot of cookies!

Take care!


Lovely planet

La Paz, 2008

‘Hey, you have the Lonely People!’
‘Sorry, the what?’
‘That book, it’s like the bible for people that travel alone. You just take it out of your bag and it instantly attracts other lonely people!’
‘Haha, I guess you’re right. I don’t like the hype around it but it’s still unbeatable when it comes to having all the timetables, information and good deals on hostels in one place. And sure, I do travel alone most of the times, however I couldn’t say I’m ever lonely when I travel!’
‘Touché! That’s true, let’s call it the lovely planet then, with lovely people!’
‘Cheesy enough, I like it! Haha, I’m Caroline, nice to meet you.’
‘I’m Dan, did you try the juices around the corner?’
‘Not yet, should I?’
‘Well, they are freshly squeezed by really nice old ladies and you get to choose just about any fruit you want.. they cost 30cents.. and they come in a plastic bag with a straw!’
‘Sounds perfect, are you joining?’
‘For Bolivian juice? Always!’
‘Great, let’s go!’


ten years

Tonight we were hanging out the way we used to ten years ago. Feels kind of like this is the moment when one is supposed to say “time flies!” and well, it’s been many years indeed, however, I couldn’t say they just flew by.. The amount of fun we’ve managed to squeeze in between then and now is just.. wow. :)

Thesis – about surviving the last week.

Uhm, don’t ask me if I have time to hang out this week..

I really enjoy and love this kind of stress.. it’s the last insanity before the end of this roller-coaster. The craziest ride, the best part.

However I realized I need to get rid of those three 8hour shifts at work. Really. They will destroy the whole flow of the study-mode and they might kill me. Like seriously, kill me. And my darling.

I sincerely hope my supervisor decides to come back from his vacation and take a look at my paper for the first time. I’m hoping for Monday, otherwise I don’t know what I will do.. I mean, what if he never answers? Can you submit a thesis without the approval of a supervisor that never had the time to read anything that you sent to him?

It’s been a tough cookie to write a masters alone without a professor and without any information, I really hope that the 23rd is the correct date, as nobody really knows. I have heard everything from this monday, to the 20th to “I really have no idea..” from the other students in my class.. The 23rd sounded most probable as it apparently was backed up by some note hanging on a door in the institution of Global Political Studies, everything else is just speculations. Nobody knows anything, as usual. Malmö University might be the biggest joke I have ever been a part of.

I have enough energy to stay up some more hours, but I need to work tomorrow.. eh, today. Gah.. Goodnight darlings.

Oh, and I love my Moleskine diary. It’s fantastic!



När allt det här uppsats-relaterade tramset är över utlovar jag ett fikamaraton för alla mina försummade vänner!! Tack för ert tålamod, ni är guld värda darlings!

When all this thesis-stuff is over I’m dedicating some coffee drinking quality time for all my patient friends, I haven’t forgotten about you! :)



I might not have internet but my phone does.. ha!

I’ve been working today and I’m insanely tired but after my 15 minute powernap I was good to go again. Things are awesome now if compared to yesterday, I love all the positive support I am getting and it keeps me above the surface in this dark ocean of conflicts, non-violence, activism, Palestinians, Israelis and.. why did all this make me start thinking about hummus? Yum. And avocado!

Ya, vamos, books!



I’m really not hungry but my mom’s food experiments are out of this world so I had to grab some.. Why didn’t I inherit her cooking skills?

Add/Edit: One can always hope that it’s one of those latent skills that will pop out when I start trying and caring. Right now cooking tops both my “boring things to do” and the “things I simply refuse doing” – list. :)