Celebrating Life Colombia, Venezuela and Trinidad & Tobago 2014 Photography Travels

Venezuela! It’s all about Reggaeton and Guapi.

At some point on the beach in Taganga, while talking about going either east or west, we decided that we probably had enough time to somehow make it all the way to Trinidad and Tobago, passing through Barquisimeto in Venezuela where my old Barcelona roomie Daneff lives. So we did! And Daneff and I instantly reconnected in our talks, and danced to reggaeton, and filled the tank of her car with 40 litres of gasoline for 0,04€. We all went to her apartment on the beach where we cooked and had a proper talk and hangout session, and the next day we went to the beautiful beaches in the Morrocoy National Park and enjoyed the crystal clear water. Daneff also helped us get very cheap flight tickets by paying with Venezuelan currency which has reached an extreme low, so Luc and I passed through the island of Margarita on our way to Trinidad and Tobago, and spent two days there, doing pretty much nothing. “Si no le contestoo!”


  1. Carsten Kirsten, hey! The one’s with us on the beach (and one of the best beaches on this trip) is playa Sombrero in Morrocoy National Park, the last photos of a beach are from Isla Margarita. :)

  2. Those were such GREAT moments guapi! Im so greatfull to have had you here, in my real world, my roots and my reality, to recognize once again how much of a family friends can get to be! Te quiero mucho y te agradesco por dejar tu brillo por todas las esquinas de este bonito y a veces tenebroso mundo gigaaante! ESOOOOOOOOO MUack

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