Africa 2012 Live from Android Travels

Showering in the sun

So I arrived to Maun and made my way to the Old Bridge Backpackers lodge. The sun is setting as I write, and I will soon finally get that long, nice sleep that I have been promising myself since I left Maputo. I can hear the water right next to my bed, the only thing separating me from it is a mosquito net (thank god for that). And the rest of the place is really great as well with a nice bar, reasonably priced restaurant and loads of interesting people. I am def staying here a couple of days.

Oh, and maybe it was just my general state of exhaustion and bad need for a shower, but I really love the showers here! They are kind of built like a maze of straw walls, and you mark them occupied by hanging a rope by the entrance. Inside, they are fresh, clean and.. without a roof! So basically, when showering, you do so in the sun. Lovely.

Okay. Time for some sleep, I want to see the sunrise.

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