Barcelona 2011 Thoughts

Silk & Palm Trees

Lo que era para nosotros, lo hemos hecho, y vos lo sabéis. Creedme: lo hemos hecho para siempre. Preservad vuestra vida resguardada de mi. Y no dudéis un instante, si fuese útil para vuestra felicidad, en olvidar a esta mujer que ahora os dice, sin añoranza, adiós.”

Alessandro Baricco – Seta (1996)

Yesterday, while in the park, I finished Ernesto Sabato‘s El Túnel (1948) which proved to be a very dark but good read. Today, when heading out to my favourite spot again, I grabbed a new book from our shared livingroom bookshelf that I so much appreciate.

As I have mentioned before, a lot of people have passed by this apartment, leaving little treasures behind in various languages in our bookshelf. I’m focusing on the Spanish one’s now as I have discovered the beauty of this language and really enjoy its richness and nuances.

Today I read Alessandro Baricco‘s short but very enchanting novella Silk (1996) in a couple of hours. I adored the reading so much I got completely sunburnt. It’s been a lovely Sunday.

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