Introducing: My Maputo home

Here’s a video I did last month of my place here in Maputo. I have decided that filming the apartments I live in now will become a rule, as I realised it would have been great to have little clips of my old places in Warsaw and Barcelona. I sometimes watch the one from Copenhagen that I uploaded just days before leaving it. This time I’m not very worried about unexpected visitors and stalkers as I am quite far away – so I’m showing you the video of the home that I will continue living in for a couple of months ahead, with glimpses of two out of my three great roomies in it. Enjoy!

Inspiring & Fun

Spent four days with the diplomats who came to Mozambique as a part of their training programme. We went to Namaacha district where we visited the hospital, a primary school and a very bizarre crocodile farm. We had a couple of very interesting meetings and dinners, got to see a little part of Henning Mankell’s new play and ended with a walking tour in the Mafalala area. All in all, we had some well spent and highly intense days and the group proved that fun and ambitious go very well together. For me, it was as inspiring as spending four days with a group of very experienced and interesting individuals can get – I’m exhausted, happy and very much encouraged to try to become as awesome. Thank you, all!


Representatives from The Swedish Diplomatic Training Programme are coming to Maputo soon and we will spend the next couple of days with them. Very interesting. Here’s a little girl from Inhaca that I was hanging out with for a moment. I’ll be back online when I’m less busy, my internet at home is gone again but now at least you know that I’m still ok. haha..

Maningue fixe!

As you already know, I spent the weekend on Inhaca Island, which is just a three hour boatride from Maputo city. We took the boat early on Saturday morning and were in Inhaca by noon. Finding a place to stay wasn’t very complicated and we teamed up with a group of portuguese people that we spent the rest of the weekend with. We were driven by Rogerio the crazy driver to distant beaches where we got to be by ourselves and enjoy clear waters and wonderful views. The two beaches we visited during our two days were completely different, the first one was like a hidden beach where you could find new beautiful details when walking, it was close to dense vegetation, the tide that was coming made it smaller with every minute, and it was almost gone by sunset. The one we went to the second day was on the contrary one of those huge paradise beaches where the feeling of being alone as far as the eye can see is amazing. Anyway, on the first day, when it was time to start going back from the beach, the tide had made everything look different and the way we had walked before was now under water. It was an adventure to find that little path out of the beach and we ended up completely far off in the jungle, where we were finally saved by a local guard that came running to show us the right way, I still wonder where he came from. Saturday night was a party night in little Inhaca, and the people gathered in the local bar where we got to witness some great dancing, both by cool hipster dudes and by a group of kids. We also got to dance tons ourselves and I was extatic about finally getting a proper night of dancing. We ended the night by hanging out on a pitch black beach before heading back to our huts at Rita’s place. The music on the Island was generally very questionable. When we arrived to the restaurant the first day we got to listen to a Luther Vandross disc, which maybe isn’t really what you expect to hear while eating your plate of seafood in the sun. Then there was some Celine Dion, Rihanna, of course (you hear Rihanna EVERYWHERE around here) – and some sort of unspeficied electronic music for the dancing that we at some point interrupted with dancehall brought by Maya from our group. On the way back from the beach at 1am we were accompanied by the soundsystem of the bar set on full volume, kids still awake and playing and the forever nostalgic hits of Tina Turner. What was most striking about Inhaca was how safe it felt in comparison to Maputo, I was thrilled by the fact that I could have my camera on the shoulder at all times and finally get some good shots. The eating experience at Inhaca was seafood as fresh as seafood can get and waiting for food just as long as waiting can get before becoming completely unbearable. All in all, the beautiful beaches, the patience tests, the great group, the very friendly locals and the sun that burnt my shoulders summed up to a perfect weekend. More than that, it was a maningue nice weekend, or actually it was maningue fixe!

click for full screen.

Inhaca weekend

Here’s a preview of the weekend we just had on Inhaca island. I still don’t have Internet at home but trust me, the pictures will be worth waiting for. Paradise beaches, seafood and Mozambican hipsters. I will tell you more about it when I post the pictures. Thank you friends and new friends for a perfect weekend, it was meningue nice!

5 Maputo randoms

Here are five radoms:
1. My fruit lady with the world’s best tomatoes and enormous mangoes.
2. A peacock that we randomly bumped in to on the street, I don’t know where it came from, it was just walking around all by itself and it had its beautiful tailfeathers cut off..
3. Driving out of Maputo for a field trip.
4. Natural history museum of Maputo. A very bizarre place with stuffed animals that were almost a hundred years old, and also the worlds only complete collection of Elephant fetuses from 1 month to 22 months old. Amazingly weird.
5. A wall, painted by the Mozambican artist Malangatana.

Hostel mornings

The hostel is playing Pink Floyd and it feels like a real backpacker morning, you know, one of those where you really don’t care what time it is. The rain adds on to the feeling and makes me think of that one very rainy week in Rio when we watched almost 50 movies, just hanging out.

Funky Monkeys is the name of this place here in Nelspruit and we are surely coming back some day. Now a movie, then packing up and hopping on the bus back home, to Maputo.